Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Chair Buddies

Hey Jammers!
Early post today, I have a blood test and decided to go on AJ for a bit before we leave to take my mind off things. So, without further ado, let's go straight on to Jamaa news!
The new item today is available in the Jam-mart furniture store and goes with yesterday's item, it's the terrace chair!
Aww, it's member, but it's a nice item overall ^-^ The price should really be more around the 250 range, but if AJHQ says it's worth 400 gems then I guess it is...
Moving on, be sure to get your Wolf Claw in the Diamond Shop as it is leaving tomorrow!
No activities or videos today, which leads me to more plushie store news ^-^
Greendreams has been approved by AJHQ, so you can now search it up and check out some of the plushies there! 
I am working on the special plushie store, which only sells rarer plushies such as lions and also plushies with accessories- just generally the more popular plushies. It's not going extremely fast, so don't expect it to the open today o-o
I met a new buddy yesterday, and she's really nice! She also gave me an orange mat, which did make me very happy since it's not every day I get gifts like that ^0^
Thank you princeswinterblossom!
Now, moving on with the side topic.
Have you ever seen a member bullying a non-member, or an experienced player bullying a new Jammer? It's not fair, really, and I felt like writing this as a side topic because I have seen a very recent example. I was advertising the plushie store on one of the accounts, when I came across an Arctic Wolf saying 'Arctic Wolves Only party my den!'. That really isn't fair, because arctic wolves are only member animals and still,not every member has 10 diamonds to buy an arctic wolf.

So, I went to the party as my bunny to see if anyone else did. Nope, just arctic wolves. And while I did see worse bullying at parties like that, the arctic wolf who was the owner told me it's arctic wolves only. I explained how it wasn't really fair to non-members and they want to go to parties too, when one of the arctic wolves at the party said ''well get a member then''. That is a REALLY ignorant comment, and pretty much just shows how stuck-up that arctic wolf was.
First of all, not everyone can afford membership. There are poor people in this world, or was that arctic wolf so spoilt that the worst thing that happened to them was missing a show on television? Gosh, sorry if I come across as a bit rude, but I have seen so much bullying to non-members I need to get it all off my chest for once.
Also, not everyone wants a membership. Some people want to spend money on other things or they aren't allowed a membership. NOT EVERYONE CAN GET A MEMBERSHIP.
After I told them not everyone can get a membership, the den was locked -_-
Anyway, same sort of bullying happens between experienced and newer Jammers- how many times did you see a new player get a rejected trade and the experienced player complaining? Nobody knows rarity of everything as soon as they join, so give the newer Jammers some space!
The poor new Jammers has to endure the experienced Jammers saying things like 'ADD' 'NOT FAIR' 'OMG WORST TRADE EVER' 'LEARN YOUR RARES' and so forth.
Now, yes, it sounds like I hate arctic wolves. Trust me, I don't. When I was a member, I loved being my arctic wolf, and I know so many nice arctic wolves such as princeswinterblossom and my buddies.It's sad they got such a bad reputation, and I want to bring their good reputation back.
Here's a question for you!
What's your favourite breakfast cereal?
Have a nice day everyone!

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