Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Friday 4 July 2014

Patched beta

Hello Jammers!
Happy Freedom Day! Do you celebrate? If so, how?
Today's new item can be found in the Outback Imports store, and goes well with the non-member patched rug.
It's a patched chair! It's member, but you have to give AJHQ some credit for the non-member items they released lately. Appreciate what we have! If you ever feel down about being a non-member, click here- isn't it a rather helpful page?
In further Jamaa news, there is a new adorable video in the Sarepia Theatre- Farley the red panda!
I love pandas, and red pandas are no exception. Check this video out if you love red pandas, or want to learn more about them!
Furthermore, there is an activity in the activities calendar today-

Nice, I will do a Freedom Party tour later today to celebrate Freedom Day. Have you been yet? Chances are, you have. If not, you are missing out!
In blog news, I'm not exactly sure if anyone noticed yet but the links have now changed color- shades of purple! This was done so you could see the links against the blue background of the blog. The funny and good times page has also been updated, and please vote on the poll! You have 2 days left to vote and I haven't managed to receive any votes apart from my own. It would be great if you could vote too!

Now, here's an interesting side topic to make up for the previous few posts- I have been able to 'time-travel' to Animal Jam while it was around the beta stage! Another piece of great news is that you can, too! Now, you will not be able to sign in and buy all the items that were on sale in beta, and you won't be able to actually play in that time period, either- but, it's still very interesting! If you would like to pay 2010 Animal Jam a visit, click here and explore! I have used the website before to see what a few other sites looked like in the past, and have discovered that Animal Jam was on there, too! I assume the site stores an archive of what pages looked like for you to visit them again, now here are some of my cool discoveries I would like to mention;-
Unfortunately, clicking the 'Play' button will direct you to Animal Jam as it is now,but let's explore ^-^
I decided to start by checking out the 'Jammer central'. It appears to be somewhere around fall 2010, and there are plenty of interesting things! First, there were polls. It didn't work for me when I tried to vote, but they do seem rather cool.There was also a 'Jammer spotlight', which is also a nice feature! Where I clicked appeared to be around December 2010, and you can read some nice poems submitted by Jammers. Keep scrolling down, and you will find images of the first day of the phantoms celebration in October 2010! Wow, can you see the AJHQ workers? I wish they were still around, they did appear to make Jamaa more fun! Another thing you can see in those images is how peaceful Jamaa was, here are some screenshots of the images and then a few images of today- 4 July 2014.

Isn't that peaceful, and fun? Here's another image of old Jamaa-

How about we compare it to today? I went on a storage user and visited several servers to see how Jamaa is doing- isn't it so much different?
So, here's Jamaa Township in Aldan, almost 4 years later.

It's pretty much what I expected to see in Aldan, so perhaps other servers are more peaceful? Let's see...
Zambezi? Eh...

Where it says 'needs m',it said 'needs male tiger' but they were moving too much for me to take a picture.
So, you can tell there's less peace now. We can't bring back the beta days themselves, but we can bring back some of the features we are missing- you know- the peace and things. Many things, AJHQ has the power to do- they just need to know we want them. I'm going to share one more discovery with you on this post, and the rest of past Animal Jam is up to you to explore!
'Game guide'- hmm, interesting! Let's see 'The story'- Animal Lore. Very interesting, check it out!
I hope you too will enjoy exploring past AJ, and if you would like AJ to be more like it was in the past- great news, you CAN! Here are some cool things you could do, but there's much more!
  • Perhaps use videos and images of old Animal Jam for inspiration if you are ever stuck- you can pick up how players acted and do some of those yourself!
  • Know the original purpose and meaning of Animal Jam- we all did when we joined. We didn't know about rares or scamming or anything like that, so try to remember what you thought of Animal Jam when you were new. You can easily also find out what Animal Jam's original purpose is by looking at advertisements and sources such as the 'help' page.
  • Appreciate the other features of AJ- once we are exposed to the 'darker' side of AJ, we forget about the other features there are to appreciate. For example, a player could stop typing 'Trade me a beard' for the 14th time and take a break- perhaps playing a game of 'Pill Bug' or 'Tic-tac-toe' with a buddy. There are so many other things you can do- how about the live sea camera in the aquarium? How about completing your journey book or re-reading some of the facts? Perhaps you can have a smoothie with a buddy, or donate some gems to big cats? Perhaps the activity calendar has something? Yes, one of the purposes of me including the calendar in my posts is to make them more interesting, but also to promote the fun activities you can do in Jamaa!
  • Help out a new jammer- this was very common in the past AJ but sadly, many new Jammers are now ignored. As a new Jammer, I wanted non-member bat wings because I thought they looked nice and I was not a member. To my delight, I spotted 4 people with them in the hot cocoa hut! Note this was in around May-June 2012. One person had 4 pairs, and I asked what they wanted for them. I got a harsh reply of 'nothing you have,noob'. The same person was later discovered by me to have been accused of scamming by several Jammers, so I suppose I was in Aldan at the time. The name is 'hihihihi12123', and they no longer play. So, help a new Jammer! There are many ways of doing this- perhaps trade them some colored items or rare items for something with little value, answer their questions or be their buddies. It's a great thing to do!
I'm afraid this post has to come to an end now,but don't forget about the 'Freedom Party' post also coming today.
Jam on!

1 comment:

  1. I miss the 2010 Animal Jam. It was peaceful and there wasn't any scamming or hacking...


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