Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Thursday 23 October 2014

Jamaa Journal #130,October 23 2014

Hello Jammers!
I'm really sorry, school has got the better of me. This is the last week before Autumn half-term break, and teachers are giving us more than usual amounts  of homework for us to do. However, to relax during the break (and for the benefit of the blog) I have decided to do all this homework this week, which isn't letting me post because by the time I have an opportunity, I feel too tired and stressed to make a decent post.
Next, a piece of news-- I got myself a 1 month Animal Jam membership. This will benefit both me and my blog, and from now on I decided that sometimes, if I would like to get a membership, then I will OKAY?
Today is update day, which I actually totally forgot about. This is  the last Jamaa Journal of October, and Night of the Phantoms O_O Time flies!
Anyway, it's also very exciting!

Pet owls are back! Those were the monthly member gift in January 2013, over 1 year ago. Now, anyone who became a club member in February 2013 or later can get their very own pet owl in the diamond shop, for 3 diamonds!
I still have mine from last year's member gift, take a look at the adorable clothes owls have!

I'm not really a fan of most of the new things being in the Diamond Shop now, even last year was better :(
Now, every single new den,animal,pet... you can't get by gems, but by diamonds! It's a bit unfair, don't you think? Sure, diamonds= more money for AJHQ, but it appears they have taken it to the extreme. AJHQ isn't too good at knowing when enough is enough, are they?
Anyway, moving on...

Ah yes, isn't that what we have all been waiting for?
I have been begging AJHQ for over a year now for more inventory, now let's hope for more clothes and also for non-members to also get 100 extra slots- their inventories are also becoming squished!

Some random Hallowe'en themed clothes and furniture items are on sale for 50% off, so take advantage of this!!! Unfortunately, Night of The Phantoms is already coming closer, and this means that it's ending soon :(
Make the most out of it while it lasts!
A new animal! What do you think it is? Why, it's a POLAR BEAR! You can tell by the nose and the snowstorm. I love Polar Bears! However, I predict they will be members-only and in the diamond shop,  but if they are, don't forget that you  can always just turn a panda white c:
Can't wait until they come!
3 new items today...
Last two photos from the Animal Jam Flash.
Sorry for a slightly rushed post, better posting tomorrow if homework doesn't take up all the time, see you in Jamaa!


  1. Those last two photos look like their photoshopped. Are they?

    1. I don't think they are, but I'm not sure since I stated I took them from the Animal Jam Flash blog.


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