Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Sunday 12 October 2014

Surprising Trades+WootMoo is definitely a hacker

Hello!  ◕❀
Ouch, I'm quite achy today, and probably will be for a while {(>○<)}
Today we have four spooky new items, which are...
The Spooky table in Outback Imports. Matches the spooky rug well, and I actually like this as a Hallowe'en item!

The Scary Mask in the Spooky Party clothing shop. Another fairly nice item!

The angry Jack-o'-Lantern in Treetop Gardens. Doesn't look too angry to me...

Finally, a skeleton mask in Bahari Bargains! This is quite neat. 
I'm going to give this blog a Hallowe'en make-over, so hopefully that is something to look forward to ^o^
I am also working on some new pages, but for the sake of keeping this blog exciting I won't reveal what they are yet.

As a side topic, rarity of some items has shifted so much over the history of Jamaa, so in this post I'm going to feature pretty much some of the most surprising trades that were perfectly fair not too long ago!
Of course, everyone has varying degrees of knowledge about Animal Jam and I can't guarantee you will be gasping at all of them, but I'm quite sure at least some of those will surprise you ^o^

This was fair in around Summer 2012,and I'm quite sure it remained so a bit earlier and later, too.

This is how I got a long blue spiked wristband in autumn 2012- I traded a silver bow and arrows for it.

More or less a fair trade in Summer 2012.

This was fair, before Viking Hats came back as a rare item Monday.

I did this in Summer 2013 and they accepted, so I can only assume it  was fair back then O-o
Before the Forgotten Desert, when beards were super rare, this was a perfectly good trade.

There are plenty more trades like this, and I will probably do more at a later date, but I'm a bit too tired to make any more today.
...The part about WootMoo...

When I was taking item pictures for the side topic above, I was in Aldan's Crystal Sands and spotted WootMoo using incredibly bad language.
As you know, it is not possible for an ordinary player to do this. The only way would be to hack the AJHQ systems and disable chat filters, but whatever method-- it has a 99% chance of being illegal.
Anyway, the screenshots are all legit and taken today. I just noticed someone use bad language, clicked the tag and was quite shocked to see WootMoo.
Even more evidence to support the theory he is a hacker.

Note: The screenshots below have very inappropriate language, you have been warned.  

Please be wary of people like WootMoo, stay safe and Jam on!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Scary! Why is WootMoo speaking so roughly... Oh well, that's so mean!


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