Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Monday 30 June 2014

Bubble ties

That 'L' key is REALLY starting to get on my nerves, I just hope it works soon. However, I do care more about the actual quality of the post rather than the fact I have some stubborn keys on my keyboard, so I hope you find today's post interesting ^-^
Yup, it's Monday, and that can only mean one thing- RARE ITEM MONDAY!
First off, here are some fairly likely predictions;-
Clothes or furniture? Clothes
Land or ocean? Land
Color/s? Red/White/Blue
Member? Yes
Price range? 500-750 gems
5 points available to me, up for grabs... let's search the stores and see how many I get!
Yay! I got it all right except the member prediction. I like this item, and will add it to my collection of stuff. Moving on, the Daily Explorer is also promoting this item, check it out!
Visit the Daily Explorer to read the full article!

Meanwhile, the activities calendar in Jamaa Township also has something ready for us today-
Wow, time certainly does fly- the last day is today already? Have you entered? Have you got any ideas yet? Will you enter the contest at all?
Here are some tips, if you are really stuck;-
  • Which clothing item did you ever suggest to AJHQ in the suggestion boxes, but it never came out? Think about it, and perhaps, you might forget about the contest and only remember once you get a good idea you are about to submit to the suggestion box!
  • Which clothing item did you ever find yourself needing to complete a look, but you had to use substitutes instead? For example, was there anything you needed to look like a specific character that wasn't there?
  • Which item does Jamaa really lack in the stores? Is it a nice wig idea, or a specific amulet you would like to see?
Best of luck to all those who enter!
Moving on, we also have some new videos- check them out?

Now, on to some blog news.
The trading station and its archive cousin have both been updated, be sure to leave a comment if you would like to trade on the page!
While you're at it, the 'Funny and good times' page is starting to kick off already- good times still exist on this game!
They are much easier to find than you think.
Once you do that, you can check out the new blog stats gadget at the bottom of the blog, which is updated quite regularly.
There is also a new poll, requesting your opinion on membership- what do YOU think? In the meantime, here are the results of the previous poll- which has gained 9 votes (including me). Thank you to the 8 others!
Nobody joined in late 2011 or earlier, and all voters have joined between early 2012-late 2013. I have joined in April-May 2012, and it turns out that 44% of Jammers have also joined in a similar time frame! Another 44% have joined between late 2012-mid 2013, and our newest Jammer is the one that joined in late 2013.
Finally, pay the 'Further reading' page a visit as The Animal Jam Cheats and Codes has been added!
I will conclude this post with an answer to a question asked by rainbow000pegasus, who wanted to know where the sea turtle gate is for Bubble Trouble in hard mode. I have taken screenshots showing you where it is on the map, as the video kept messing up because of how slow my computer decided to be.

Bye bye!

Today's blog stats in a nutshell- this post will be updated regularly with the stats!
Monday, 30 June 2014...
2:41pm AJR time

4.49pm AJR time
7:14pm AJR time

Sunday 29 June 2014

Freedom Foxies

I'm sorry for the extraordinarily late post- I was actually writing this post on my sister's computer and it was really good- it was quite long, too. Then, guess what? I pressed some key on the keyboard and the WHOLE post got erased. I couldn't restore it in any way, either, which TICKED ME OFF. It was an interesting post which took a lot of time to write, which seriously put me off posting at all. I'm on my laptop now, using the on-screen keyboard. I suppose I will save the interesting post for another time, then.
Lets get on to more joyful news and forget about the evil keyboard- the new item today can be found in the Freedom Party and I love it!
Say hello to the...
Freedom Fox hat! Another one of those items you just CAN'T hate- I mean, it looks almost identical to the white fox hat, it's very seasonal and doesn't bring back the actual fox hat. BUT... it can be used as a scamming tool,it's expensive and you can't just walk into any store to get it. You need to WAIT. I  love this item, anyway.
Ouch, I cannot even make up a side topic today. I'm so sorry!
Here's a daily explorer article, and I will have to close off.
Look forward to good posts :)

Saturday 28 June 2014

Lolly trouble nostalgia

The two keys are still not working, so I am stuck with the on-screen keyboard for a while. But hey, isn't it the quality of the post that counts most?
I will start off with today's Jamaa News- it turns out the Summer Carnival is selling Lollipop Necklaces again!
What is there to hate about this item? All sorts of colours, cheap, for all Jammers- score. It also works VERY well with most outfits and is a staple in my Pastel Green bunny's wardrobe- as you can tell if you ever see me around in Jamaa.
DID YOU KNOW? If you wear this awesome item on your animal and sit, it will look like your are eating the lollipop! This looks better on some animals than others . Experiment!
Continuing, the activities calendar has already generated a side topic for me today, thankfully.
Bubble Trouble! It's seriously in the spotlight, and now it comes with a hard mode for more of a challenge! I mean, seriously, ADMIT IT. Normal mode is actually easy.
The prizes are quite awesome , too. I actually just switched to my sister's computer to post today, but I can't say this computer is extraordinarily fast- be warned.
Anyway, one account can earn a maximum of 3 prizes in a single round of Bubble Trouble in hard mode; the three ways to obtain a prize are:-
  1. Have at least one dolphin on your whole adventure team to open the dolphins-only gate. You can earn a wide range of underwater clothing, from store items like flower necklaces all the way to rarer items such as rare anemone head bows and airplane wings.
  2. Have at least one sea turtle on your adventure team, similarly. The turtle gate is only located differently and quite difficult to find for starters, but non-members can also try this to win items such as pirate bandanas, rare nessie masks and more!
  3. Finish the adventure to earn yourself gems on one of the four exclusive prizes unique to bubble trouble. Those prizes are underwater den items and are;-
  • Top-left chest; the phantom pipe with valve as seen several times in the adventure
  • Top-centre chest; large hatch, as seen towards the end of the adventure where it is required to swirl above one
  • Top-right chest;Phantom key, as seen when freeing the dolphins and also a very common item in land adventures.
  • Bottom-left chest; 1250 gems to spend on anything you want!
  • Bottom-right chest; phantom trap, as seen in the adventure
Below is a series of screenshots of one of my storage users playing this adventure in hard mode, how hard do you find this adventure?

In blog news, there is now a blog statistics function near the bottom of the blog- can you find it? For now, it's just a screenshot of the line graph showing blog views, and will be updated several times daily. I plan to update it once in the morning before I update the blog for the day, again somewhere in the afternoon and then right before I shut down my computer.
There are also TWO new pages! One of them is called 'Further Reading'- visit it by clicking here.
It's just another name for a typical 'More blogs' page- you can see even more Animal Jam related blogs and read more interesting blogs! Each blog has something new and exciting to offer to the Animal Jam blogger community, so when you get bored of this blog for the day- why not give another author a view?
The next new page is called 'Funny and Good times!', which you can again visit by simply clicking here.
This is generally a collection of old images I have managed to restore of good times in Jamaa- alone and with buddies. It's great to turn a frown upside down or remind yourself of past Jamaa. Well, that will be in about 6 months' time when it's the Jamaalidays and you forgot what Summer in Jamaa is like.
I will try to capture all good moments and put them on the page, hopefully highlighting moments of the year such as-
  • New Year- what are my hopes for the year ahead? What do I think will happen in Jamaa? I can then look back much later and compare my 'imagined' Jamaa to what it actually will be like.
  • Friendship Festival- Good times with buddies, all the newer buddies with personalities I still have to explore and the older buddies that stuck with me since the early months of my Jamaa journey. Yes, this post is about to get really off-topic- but if we have been buddies (and by buddy, I technically mean that we talk. Not just you sitting on my buddy list) since May-September 2012, you have witnessed a LOT of development. October-December 2012, you have been with me for so long and I want to thank you for that. January-August 2013- probably my more lively and bold self and you are fortunate to have met me then. September-December 2013- since I started a new school and you may have seen how much it had changed me. January-June 2014- we are new buddies and I still have a lot to unearth!
  • Lucky day- Have I gotten lucky at all during this time? What do I hope to happen?
  • Onset of Spring- what do I associate spring with? What am I like? What do I predict will happen? What is the egg hunt prize?
  • Onset of Summer- What am I like? How is the Summer carnival, and what memories do I have? Have I had any good moments or vacations?
  • Freedom Day - honestly, just chilling with buddies and watching fireworks like my toe ain't on fire.
  • Last day of school- How do I feel? What are my Summer plans? Probably a LOT of me randomly dancing around expressing my gratitude for this to be over.
  • Back to school- What are my hopes for the new year? (Let me tell you now, no double P.E). How do I feel? Will I EVER get through this?
  • Animal Jam birthday- How has Animal Jam changed me? How has the game developed? What was it (and I) like during the second birthday in September 2012? What about the third in 2013? What do I think will happen NEXT year?
  • Onset of fall- what are my plans? What are my memories? What is going on in Jamaa that deserves to be rather memorable?
  • Day of the Phantoms- how will I celebrate? What is going on in my life? Is there anything worth a permanent spot on my blog page for memories?
  • Feast of Thanks- What am I thankful for- what couldn't I live without? What keeps me going strong?
  • Onset of Winter- what's going on? Anything memorable or worth mentioning? What am I like? What do I think of winter?
  • Jamaalidays- how is Jamaa prepared? Is the gift calendar any good? What do I want to get as a Christmas present?
Ouch, this post is getting so off-topic I will end it here.Sorry, loyal AJR fans!
I'm now going to tweak around a little and let you know tomorrow if anything has changed.
Pay the Further Reading page a visit?
Oh yeah, the clearance page is still there but it's hidden. AJHQ CONSTANTLY takes items out of stores- and it can be ANY store. It is so difficult to keep a constant, up to date record of leaving items and I haven't seen a blog that has done so (even though the AJ Sky and AJ Spirit have done quite nice job). So, I will mention all items with 'Last day!' status on that day's post- it's much more space for other things.
Trading Station and its archive have been updated too.

Friday 27 June 2014

Raccoon Rant

The same keys are not working, so you may have to suffer my bad posting for a while.
I am using the on-screen keyboard, but that gets frustrating too.
Anyway, this means I seriously lose the motivation to post which means delays. Lots of delays.
Today's new item is found in the new Freedom Party, which I hope to post about soon- it's a Freedom Raccoon Hat!
Hehe, nice. I like it! This was taken on a storage, I bought one of those on my main account.
Even though, maybe, just maybe, they could switch around some of the colours a little? Or maybe it's just me.
I still owe you a rarity scan, a Freedom Party post and a Bubble Trouble post- and you know what? Only TWO keys on my keyboard aren't working- the full stop and the 'L' key. I just typed it using the annoying on-screen keyboard. What a life.
I'm going to check on the activities calendar, perhaps it can spare me a day of coming up of side topics. There are a LOT of side topics I could do, but I'm not going to ruin any of it. In fact, I have a huge bunch of ideas. This bunch shall be revealed to you, as so MANY OF THOSE TOPICS are really interesting, which is what sets this blog apart from the others.
Yes, right now, my posts aren't amazing quality because of my faulty keys, but I promise good posting once that stubborn devil gets back to work.
-Slaps with a pixel magazine- 
Oh great, yes, amazing. JUST what I needed. No activity. Since I forgot to post the new calendar and double gems that came yesterday, I shall do that NOW.

Okay, I can post about Bubble Trouble in tomorrow's post- no problem with that. In fact, I might just take the pictures, email them to myself and them post on my phone to ensure the best quality for you people- my AWESOME READERS!!!
So... here's the Double Gems game.
Here's a picture taken from storage- I found it!
I had a feeling it would be Double Up- so, if you need to save up gems, why not play it at Crystal Sands?

I won't just leave with a post like this, so I will conclude with a MINI-RANT
Yes, mini 
I mean mini 
I will make a better version of this rant, you shall be warned
Anyway, in one of the Animal Jam advertisements, the narrator says
''A place of peace''
Most Jammers take this for granted and just carry on watching the video, while some are like
Hang on
Did he just say
A place of PEACE?
You call THIS peace?
I blame the people most, they should be a little more responsible on a game like-
Okay, never mind
I sound like a parent

Yup, totally 
I smell desperation


Yup ,so peaceful

Oh thanks for the compliment!

Nothing wrong with wanting an item, totally something wrong with being that desperate

I'm sorry for this post, I wish I could make it up to you all
Oh well, bye bye
Kissy kissy huggie huggie

Thursday 26 June 2014

Jamaa Journal Volume 121- 26 June 2014

I am sorry for a slightly delayed post, but I won't bore you all with my excuses.
Today is update day, meaning a new Jamaa Journal has arrived! It is issue 121 already, can you believe that?
Anyway, let's start with the first page and see what new features have made their way to the world of Jamaa.
Pet Giraffes! How adorable, now they can walk around with their animal versions! They can be bought for 3 Diamonds, members only (sorry!). However, the pet foxes have left too. I hope they return!
On to the second page, we have a new den!

 Wow, it's MASSIVE! I have one buddy with it, and it's honesty beautiful and huge
I think this is a rather nice den!
It seems AJHQ is putting a lot of emphasis on the Diamond Shop and memberships, don't you think? They are a business though, so they need to make money, right? What do they need money for? To employ staff and to keep the game going 
How do they earn it? They need to convince players to purchase membership to fund the game!
If you have enough diamonds and bought the den, enjoy it!
Now, on to the next page of the Jamaa Journal 

The Freedom Party is finally  here! If you catch it, visit it and have fun with your buddies to celebrate this summer holiday in Jamaa
Once I go to the party, I am going to do a tour to show you the features and shops it has, so  stay tuned!
In the meantime, lions are endangered, meaning you cannot get them anymore 
However, you can learn more abut them by visiting the Conservation Museum!
Yay, hard mode already! I was SO close to finishing it, but then my mum called me down for dinner and I had to quit the adventure.  I was on the final key! Anyway, I'm going to see what the prizes are and I'm going to show you as soon as I get some
I'm sorry for this really bad post so far, but some of my stupid keyboard keys aren't working right now and I have to copy and paste every time I want to use them 
It's really annoying!
You can also now enter the Ocean Adventure Base Camp through Bahari Bay, which certainly does make it a bit easier to access Bubble Trouble 
It's nice that Rhinos are returning, but to me, it's not huge news
I mean, it's not THAT exciting
However, you can watch a fun new video featuring rhinos, which I will check out once I have the time to do so

 Woah, Epic Wonders! That's great, since it's a REALL expensive shop and many Jammers honesty find it difficult to get the items sold there 
Have you got any ideas for the new contest? I still haven't, but I really  hope to enter
Which item, besides a returning rare, would I like to see in Jamaa? Hmm
Yup, that's the trouble with contests
Before them, you have ideas and once the contest comes around, you totally forget everything!
In the meantime, there is a new item in stores for all Jammers, which I guess pays off for all those Diamond items today, which there were actually a lot of!
I totally love this item, don't you? It looks great! I'm going to buy it, and if you have any coloured versions, would you like Epic Wonders and Summer Carnival items for it? Sorry, the Summer Carnival stuff won't be coloured, but I guess it's still worth it XD

Yes, Clevvy says it for you
Summer is here in Jamaa, at last!
Check it out, though our old buddy River Race isn't back just yet :(
And there is also a new item in the 
Well guess where
I dare you to
Slap me, I dun care
You got it
It's the soundtrack for the Adventure Base Camp underwater
Buy it if you want XD
This was taken on a side account
Anyway, I'm sorry for this awful post, but I guess that's just my keyboard
I leave you with the Double Gem and Activities Calendar, I will go back to my awesome posts once my keyboard stops trolling

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Summer Hoops

Again, I am posting early with the updates, then signing out again for a little.
Firstly, on with the Jamaa news!
A new item has arrived in the shops today, let's welcome the...
Basketball Hoop!
Which shop? Jam-Mart furniture, for 450 gems! It would have been a good non-member items, but we just have to work with what we've got for now, I suppose. ^-^
Next, here's a Jamagram I received;-

What? First of all, whoever came up with that... O-o

  1. I don't have a headdress anymore. I traded it a LONG time ago. Well, this month, but it seems like ages ago.
  2. I don't think I would ever do that trade because thankfully,I'm not one of those spike crazy maniacs. XD
  3. I never wanted a spike before, really, so no...
It's not true! :)
On to the activities calendar, which thankfully has something for us...
Lions are endangered, meaning today is your LAST day to get them!
Does this mean the demand of slingshots may go up a little, even if it's only by 0.25%? XD
Anyway, get your lions, unless you want to be bombarded by random people thinking you work for AJHQ or something. Trust me, it happens. XD Even though they cost 10 diamonds... do you think it's worth it? Here is, in my opinion, the Diamond shop animals ranked in value for gems- from most worth it to least. Let's go! XD

  1. Eagles- they can fly, go to secret places and reach places that were previously only available by glitches, reach a shop that no other animal can reach and get rare items from their own adventure. Worth it!
  2. Arctic Wolves-Very attractive animals, quite worth it because they can actually positively impact the level of respect and popularity you receive. However, you DO get arctic wolves that make them seem stuck-up. When I was a member, I got more trades and was ignored less as an arctic wolf.Yes, I had the same items. They also have a name- Arctic Wolf.
  3. Lion- they are fairly fierce animals and can increase your popularity a little. Also, they are endangered, so it's quite nice to have an exclusive animals no longer available, at least temporarily.They also have a cool default name which I don't think is available in the Diamond Shop- King of The Jungle.
  4. Snow Leopard- this is mainly because of their looks, as they are really adorable. Their moves are designed well, but that's really it. It can also baffle people by seeing an animal named Snow Leopard!
  5. Kangaroo- again, because of their looks. They have fairly good graphics and nice moves.
  6. Cheetah- they did, and still may do, have glitches which can be funky and also annoying. They look like a rip-off of the tiger and snow leopard a little, so I personally think they're not THAT worth it. Cool animals, but I think their moves and graphics aren't amazing.
  7. Hyena-I actually think they look quite funny and have hunchbacks XD They aren't so worth it, since they have awkward moves and strange graphics. They don't look much like real hyenas, but they aren't so bad. Of course, it's just my opinion!
I decided I will probably do the rarity analysis once I receive a request.Sorry!
On to real life news, I have been discharged from hospital today which basically is why this is such a late post. I started it at about half past 8am! There was a lot that had to be done, resulting in such delays. Sorry!
I do not think I will be able to return to school this term, which means....

Yay! Anyway, that's all for now, I'll see you later! ^-^
Create your own banner at!
P.s There is a new code added to the code page! GRAB THOSE GEMS!!! NYA NYA NYA.
Click 'ere

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Freedom to the Piano

Hello Jammers!
I am just going to post, log off for a while and come back a little later on in the day. ^-^
Firstly, we have a new item; the Grand Piano! Rather unexpected, but it's quite a fancy item that looks quite good in dens!
Sadly, it's member, but the price isn't THAT bad, for such a posh item. I think it would look good in castles and mansions, and posh,rich dens. How will you use this item in your den? Do you like the way it looks?
I can't say the looks are bad of this item, but I'm not a music lover so I'm not a massive fan of this.
Moving on, have you seen this new video at Brady Barr's lab?
I'm frightened of spiders,ESPECIALLY of those legs. I suppose I will just have to close my eyes for the whole video. 
Anyway, for quick blog news- there have been no requests for the new Rarity Analysis, so unless there is a request, I will choose a rare to write about. I hope it will be helpful! 
To the side topic! The Activities Calendar has nothing for us, so today I have decided to focus on a few outfit ideas for Freedom Day. Some of them are member because I was playing best dressed, so I'll start with those ^-^
Have you ever wondered what the non-member Freedom Set is? At present, it consists of...
Top-left to bottom right: Freedom Set Banner (not an actual item), Freedom Hat,Freedom Mask,Freedom Wings,Freedom Cape,Freedom Glove, Freedom Bands,Freedom Helmet, Freedom Bunny Hat
  • Freedom Wings 
  • Freedom Helmet
  • Freedom Mask
  • Freedom Cape
  • Freedom Bands
  • Freedom Glove
  • Freedom Hat
  • Freedom Bunny Hat

It's a rather large set, I hope that there's a new addition to it this year! The member Freedom Set includes all member rare item Mondays and new freedom-inspired items for Members, including yesterday's Freedom Sword. Hopefully, this quick guide was helpful for all of you trying to collect the Freedom Set ^-^
Now, here are my Freedom Outfits!
Members-only-made using Best Dressed
Model: Wolf
#1 Freedom Helmet,Blue (Pirate) Sword, Blue short spiked collar, blue legendary glove
#2 Red cowboy hat, long red spiked collar, silver legendary glove
#3 Short red spiked collar, blue rare bow and arrows

Outfits for everyone!
Those are not ALL I could come up with, but I hope to share some more nearer Freedom Day.
Model: Bunny, 

#4 Freedom Hat, Rare Lei, Neon or Rare blue bow and arrows, Freedom Bands
  #5 Navy Blue Fox Hat, Blue Heart Locket,Blue rare glove, Blue pirate sword
#6 Blue fancy top hat, pirate sword, Freedom Bands

#7 Freedom Mask, Rare lei, Freedom Cape,Freedom Bands

Which one is your favourite? How are you preparing for Freedom Day?
Also, is there anything you would like to see a Rarity Analysis on?
Jam on!

Create your own banner at!