Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Sunday 28 September 2014


I added a new poll, and updated the 'Your Thoughts' Page.
So umm we have this fancy shmancy new item
It's animated and has a rake. But yeah that's the only difference between the original leaf pile.
Guess who's den I was in?

Well yeah.

Bye bye!
Sorry I'm a bit tired :((

Saturday 27 September 2014

Hello I'm back!

Hello :)
I have at last made the decision to keep posting, simply because this blog needs to be kept alive. For the benefit of the Jamaa Blogging Community, Jammers and myself.

Blogging creates many good memories, and I know that. Blogging opens up opportunities for memorable parties, close friends to have good times with and unforgettable discussions to be had. Blogging doesn't only form memories; it also contains them. Photos and videos of the past, writing style from months ago, my personality, attitude, interests... all of that is contained in blogging to visit again later. I couldn't just leave, especially since I have been going for over 3 months now (wow, time really does fly...). 3 months isn't much in comparison to, say, the AJS (3 years) or the Animal Jam Community (4 years), but usually I would have just started a blog, posted once or twice and then just left it there. Don't believe me? I used to have a LOT of blogs on my old blogger, most of them abandoned with one post. When I keep a blog going, it means something good; that I like it and want to keep it alive. If this blog went, what would I have to look forward to after I finished my homework? Well, okay- I haven't had much time for this blog lately, but I hope I can change that. I don't even have much time to talk with buddies anymore, because it seems like every time they come to talk to me I'm not available. I know that because I have seen a few times a buddy disappear right when I came back, so I know that they have been there trying to talk to me.
This blog benefits the Jamaa blogger community; although I'm working on supporting future bloggers a bit more, my blog can be used as an inspiration. To help others write their own blogs and to expand the Jamaa blogger community.
The Jamaa blogger community is full of blogs, however, many of the blogs out there are now either;
a) Dead. The owners have left the blog, either with or without warning. For example; The Animal Jam Roar. Anyone remember it? I remember reading it on the bus home from school. I liked the style of the owner's posts, not too robotic or boring- rather, more laid-back and casual. Posts were also punctual, but sadly the blog had to end. The blog came to an end on the 25th February 2014 , though sometimes it seems like much  later. The Animal Jam Sky Blog- dead, too... although I wasn't a huge fan of the general subject matter of the posts I greatly admire Scooter's dedication to us and the blog. I know that many, many people loved his posts. Unfortunately, the blog ended on the 8th of August 2014. I know that a lot of blogs died, but I can't think of any right now :I
b) Hardly Up. It's a little hard to describe. Either the original authors are hardly posting anymore, or the posts are constantly delayed by a lot, and when they come, they are extremely rushed, or nobody posts on the blog very often. I guess this blog went through this phase a couple of times, and I don't want it to. An example of this is the Animal Jam Spirit. Highly respected by LOTS of people, though I can't really say I'm a massive fan; the posts nowadays are very... robotic and sound a bit too much like AJHQ. Doesn't the AJHQ language get rubbed into our faces enough? O.o Also, the content isn't very interesting in my opinion- you know, mysteries (that I have to admit I never care about lol), random art, whatever else is on there because these days I'm too lazy to click the 'read more' break. Snowyclaw hardly posts on there anymore (I don't know how busy she is to make a further comment on that) and posts are frequently delayed, though I can't say it's that bad and also I have no idea why I'm saying this when I post slower than a disabled snail. T^T This however is not an essay titled ''What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Animal Jam Spirit Blog? '' so let's move on.
Jammers benefit from blogs because they inform them and can be used for a variety of purposes- educating about scammers and dangers, keeping them interested by sharing material, having news. Jammers love blogs because they are interesting and fun. They are informative. If this blog goes, then Jammers will no longer be able to read my awesome juicy rants. I don't even know what makes rants so pleasurable to read, and does it make me a bad person to find posts about new hackers and suspicious jammers more interesting than posts about scammers *because scammers are more boring and less creepy lol*? I find drama posts entertaining, and I'm definitely not alone.
Jammers will no longer be able to benefit from my amazing [not] tips and advice, and I don't want to hurt anyone by leaving this blog!

Now, let's go on to what discouraged me from posting. Some days, I was about to post. Staring at the screen, the blank blog entry staring right back at me. Then I would sigh, cross off the tab and go back to researching the mythical creature which is the  Importance of the Act of Supremacy or whatnot. Anyway, I was discouraged by things such as the thought of the usual ''Hey Jammers! Today's new item is... [Usually a completely fake opinion about the item because I honestly can't think of anything to say] The video is.... [Insert some way to tell you to watch the video] The activities calendar.... [Something about the boring ol' activities calendar] [Lots of robotic talk which is sometimes even hardly anything that I actually think to conclude the post]
I don't WANT to do that. So, I decided, my posts won't go according to this boring template anymore, whether you like it or not. Because I don't like it, and that means I won't post anymore, which would be bad bad.
My posts will be more laid-back, casual, if I want to post the new video then I will, if I have anything cool to say or any tips to share then I will.

It should make the blog more interesting, not something like the Daily Explorer. Well, okay, the Daily Explorer isn't THAT awfully horrible but honestly, how many times do you just exit the tab after seeing a ''Jammer Snaps'' or ''News Crew'' title that you didn't enter, or some Jammer art you had no idea about or a Creature Feature you don't give a pickle-juice-with-lemon drop about?
Another reason is that I know many of you couldn't care less about the video or daily explorer post or whatever. Trust me, I do it. When I see ''Today's daily explorer post is...'' or ''There's some amazing Jammer art!'' or something I just skip right past it to the juicy parts. Lol. So to save you the trouble, I'm filtering my posts to leave only the juicy bits. You're welcome.

So, here's the part many of you probably have been anticipating. I know that everyone probably knows the new item by now but I want to post it just to everyone knows. I post the daily item because it's for memories, and I know that Meloetta385 has found a way around this on her blog with the archive but I don't think that would fit with this blog very well ;3 And I don't like to copy lol.
Besides, I would be much lazier to do it and keep up with it than writing actual posts themselves.
It's a chest full of gems. I actually like this item because it's a substitute to the Pot o' Gems but unfortunately it's member. But not pricy because you're paying gems for more gems. Don't believe me? There are like 50+ individual gem pictures in that chest and when I hover over my gem icon, it shows like 5 gems and the number 60,700 (or something like that). So eh.. I guess that chest much be teeming with riches. It would look good in maybe a Pirate-inspired den or something. Or a treasure den. Or an ordinary den. Or a spoiled pink fox's wearing too much Epic Wonders who talks like a drunk 4 year old's den which can't really happen because 4 year olds can't get drunk.

Got to give credit to merie11 for this awesome beanbag world, it's so colourful and beanbagg-y and everything. It's also a water park so you can SLIDE and SWIM!!
Of course, the dude that looks suspiciously like Fman122 (lol) had to ruin it with his ''Need'' Female campaign. 
Finally, just to make you LOL a little (I hope).
If I wasn't trying to do an actually decent essay for History then I would actually write it like this. I lie a lot in essays because it gets me real good grades. If I was honest, I would write this :3

Why did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church in Rome in 1534?
An honest essay by -------------------  

ok. lets make this real quick because listen, i dont actually wanna do this essay. there's no point to be honest because i seriously cannot think of a situation where i will need to know why the heck some fat dude who married 6 times broke away from some old dude leading some more old dudes. i dont even need to know srsly. ok maybe in my GCSEs there might b a question but thats it! seriously do u ever go to an apple store or grocery store and get asked ''why did this obese bloke break away from da catholic church'' NO you don't. in fact u forget all that stuff by the time youre 20 so whats the point! i will never need it. can u instead like teach us kewl marketing trix or how to make money or how to buy a house that is not fly-infested. plz. now ik this isnt an essay evaluating the lame design of the education system so lets get on to why dis fat dude wanted to leave the catholic church
mk so first he wanted a son and his stupid wife didnt give him any so he was like omg i divorce you lady but the pope didnt let him so instead of being smart and bribing him or something he was like oh if i break from the church i can divorce her. so yeah. u don't need to know any more to be honest because you can figure it all out for urself. i dont get why i should tell you.
next the dude was real greedy and he didnt want the pope to have so much power and money so he though hmm well like if i break away then i can has all the money and that be real good so like yeah and i can have power over ppl bc they think i am some superior saint or something.
so yeah thats why.
none of the reasons are important so i can't do a conclusion sorry.
lol. bye.

Okay, all of that is a joke- don't take it seriously.
If you do, you're boring >:I
Bye bye!

Wait no, lastly- I have updated the blog for autumn and everything. Nice leaves everywhere, and a header that took me ages of pasting cartoon leaves onto a picture of some virtual town.
My birthday's on Friday. Guess how old I'm going to be, but I won't tell you if you're right or wrong yet >:)

Monday 15 September 2014

Sorry for the short post

I started school today and this is going to be a very quick post because I'm going to sleep soon.
The rare item  is in Bahari Bargains is a rare seaweed boa.
I guess it's alright, the colour is quite nice because I like all pastel colours anyway.
Bye bye and see you tomorrow, sorry for the short post but school and homework is far more important than AJ. I probably didn't even get 15 minutes on the game today, but I don't want to rush homework just to get on AJ either.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Egyptian Beard

Yay, I got another opportunity to post :D
I'm afraid the Birthday Party tour will have to wait until I'm back, but I can do a special post today.
The wedding was great, today is the second day and I hope it will be plenty of fun.
Anyway, the new item today is uh… well, um, let's just say weird. Ugly. Awkward. Uh… yeah. It's the *ahem* Egyptian Beard. Here you go. LOOK AT IT. JUST LOOK.
How… weird? O-o
I doubt many people are going to wear it, but okay, then…..
Makes me wonder what is going to come out tomorrow.
Today's new video is one of those;

Before I zoom off to prepare for the second day of the wedding, I'm going to discuss my blog's appearance x3
Fun, huh :P
Anyway, currently the blog changes in sync with the seasons in Jamaa. So, the blog is in Summer mode right now because it's still Summer in Jamaa. When Jamaa Township becomes tinted orange and the leaves scatter on the ground, I'm going to change the blog into an Autumn layout. As soon as Jamaa gains a dark atmosphere, Day of the Phantoms is going to be approaching and I will adjust the layout of the blog accordingly. Get me? Yup, you do.
Though at some point (I will inform you all) I might decide to change the layout monthly, so for instance on the 1st of December I would change the blog into a Jamaaliday layout instead of whenever Jamaalidays arrive in Jamaa. Yup, that's all for now. I'm dashing off now, the special post is going to be later today or whenever I get to post. Bye bye! :D

Saturday 6 September 2014

Jamaa Journal Volume 126-5 September 2014

Hello Jammers!
Wow, I have missed everyone. I have finally received a chance to post today, and my vacation has been going great so far. Lots of shopping has been involved for sure, and yesterday I was in a cable car up a mountain. The wedding is today, so I'm excited x3
Anyway, I'm going to get through Thursday's update and new items since then, but nothing before that. Sorry! I'm sure you got information from other blogs, though :3
So, I'm going to start with the Jamaa Journal. Off we go!
If you love Sugar Gliders in real life, you might want to consider getting a pet version! I think sugar gliders are REALLY adorable in the real world, but unfortunately I can't get an AJ version. Oh well x3
If you are member, have 3 diamonds to spare and at least one available pet slot- why not buy a pet sugar glider in the diamond shop?

Yes, Animal Jam is 4 years old! Wow. Time DID fly, it seems like a month ago when AJ turned 2 and feels like last week when I was redeeming my 3rd birthday cake code. 4 years- Animal Jam has been up for quite a while now! If you want to join the celebrations, visit the AJ birthday party which I will do a guide of once I get there. Cake world!
Furthermore, why not enter the code AJBDAY4 when you log in? You will receive an AWESOME cake which starts off VERY, VERY small…

Try clicking on different areas around the cake and it will grow and change! Of course, I won't spoil it for you but I have experienced the whole cycle and it's plenty of fun! Hint: you know the cycle is finished and you have experienced it all when the cake returns to its original appearance.

Yes, there's a new armour set now available in the Diamond Shop! It's called the Diamond Encrusted armour, and two pieces are non-member! Great! The tail and the gauntlets.
The non-member set: 3 diamonds in total
The member set: 6 diamonds in total
Full set: 9 diamonds in total
There is also a brand new Egyptian Treasure set, full of sparkly and gold items for your den!
Non-members can also enjoy the Golden Egyptian Scarab and Papyrus Scrolls so far! 
Buy your very own Egyptian Hat over at Jam-mart clothing, and keep your eyes peeled for more of those items!

Hmm, well I'm quite sure it's the Panda! Their return date is most likely to be September 18, and to be honest I'm glad they are returning because Pandas are my favourite animals in real life! 
The beta party, which was released quite recently, is leaving now for the season. I think the beta party is therefore a seasonal party held every summer, which makes sense because beta testing only took place in the Summer of 2010. So, before it leaves stock up on beta-themed den items, explore the average Jammer's den 4 years ago and perhaps recall good times in Jamaa! 
The summer carnival, the perfect place to grab a cotton candy and play games to win tickets to exchange for prizes is soon going to be withdrawn from the land of Jamaa until next Summer. Probably because this outdoor celebration cannot withstand the colder weather facing us all x3
Before it goes, indulge in your favourite cotton candy combos, create some last phantom cotton candies, play your favourite games to stock up on tickets and buy a large supply of prizes.Oh, and take advantage of all accessories being on sale for 50% off! 

A reminder telling you that you can buy gift certificates from Animal Jam outfitters that come with bonus gems and diamonds. Have you ever bought anything from there? I have bought an Arctic Wolf 3 month membership certificate last December.
There is a bunny claw available in the Diamond shop, which I bought already x3

That's it for today, I'm not sure when I will get my next opportunity to post but I hope it's soon. Look forward to perhaps a special post for AJ's 4th birthday  and a tour of the birthday party!
It's September, which can mean only one thing- yes, fall is coming closer! This blog is soon going to get a fall make-over, when fall comes to Jamaa. I assume that is going to be next update, so say goodbye to Summer and welcome Autumn with open arms ^-^
Have a great day and Jam on!