Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Plushie stores

If you are an avid collector of plushies, simply love plushies or are just searching for a particular plushie, you are in the right place!
You can now visit the blog's plushie stores and see if any of them stock a plushie you seek- perhaps you will find what you are looking for!

The plushie stores

tinypotatoes (special plushie store)

Simply search up the stores and visit them any time! If the store is offline, simply send a jamagram and we can trade as soon as I log on.
Now, for the details about the stores you need to know!

  • The stores are regularly restocked-there are up to 100 plushies on show at a time.
  • The stores include common plushies, and special plushies- similar plushies are grouped together for your convenience.
  • To buy the plushies, you can simply trade for them. You can trade other plushies and toys, but I prefer other items. I like things such as colored items, so perhaps try those!
  • Another way of buying plushies is putting items on trade, and then you can be traded up to 4 plushies.
  • Beta Testing Stores; Beta testing a store is the opportunity to see a store before the username is checked by AJHQ. This means that the only way to access the store is to receive a Jamagram from the owner! Sometimes, I will let you know when a new store might be open to beta testing, and some Jammers will have the opportunity to see the store before its release!
  • Enjoy! 
The next plushie store is predicted to be available in February 2015. You can request to be a beta tester right before it's released from now, so if you would like to do that don't hesitate to ask!
The following Jammers will be beta testers;
  • eyetoypuffx


  1. Can you add toy stores as well? My toy store account is Neapolitanpurple o3o

    1. Hello c:
      I'm sorry, but I'm not doing toy stores at the moment.I might do so at some point, and when I do I will let you know ^-^

  2. Can I beta test your store at one time? Thanks~ Eyetoypuffx

    1. Of course!
      But I think the next store will come in September, because I'm going on vacation ^-^
      I'm going to post when a new store is available to beta test, and you will be able to be a beta tester.
      Thank you,

  3. i have a plushie store thats being restocked right now after being cleaned out. Its ruby55555 please check me out

  4. Can I beta test the store?

  5. I want all eagles plz.

  6. i will be starting a special plushie store soon so if anyone would like to come buy feel free to buddy me -plushiekingdom101

  7. Hello Animaljammers,
    I do plushie trading as well. I sell common plushies and special plushies. So if your looking for a particular plushie try my store. -anacondah

  8. im looking 4 a llama plushie machine :C

  9. Hello, may i be a beta tester, also do you still check this blog?

  10. hi im alacen123 and i have a toy shop at my den but i may be rollplaying i do ajpw but dont haev a pusy store bye love, gabby


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