Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Trading Station Archive

Welcome to the trading central archive, a page which houses old and removed trades from the Trading Station!
All completed trades, bids and offers will be posted here.
This is great for watching rarity change and tracking the value of items, since rarity changes! ^-^

This page will be updated as soon as the Trading Station is up and running ^.^

 Late June  2014
Username: CleverQueen
Looking for: Pink and purple RARE anemone head bows
Offering: Take your pick- I have two green/red/white rare anemone head bows.

The trades that were done-
Yellow Anemone head bow- I got that from a blue one
One of my green/red/white went for a red one
I got a purple for the green/red/white
I got a pink, after tons and tons of searching, from a red one.

Are you interested in any of those items?

If so, leave a comment or contact CleverQueenSeasonal, I am looking for some offers!

I honestly don't remember the trades completely, I know that one of the pigtails went for a long bow which went for 4 slingshots, and I'm sure I did something to the other long bow and viking helmet.

Mid July 2014
CleverQueen trading the following items;
I traded the green rhino for another colour. The blue vines went for a traffic cone. The rare rhino,spaceship gray,fancy chest and wristband went for a red holiday sweater.

Early August 2014
CleverQueen: Do you have any friendship necklaces? I am collecting them, and the ones I don't have are: left green . I am willing to trade other friendship necklace colours, but if you don't want to I can trade small seasonal items of similar rarity!

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