Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

About me

This is all about me, and I will update this page when it is required.
I joined Animal Jam on 2 May 2012, with a wolf called Rosy Snowyrose.
I had a seal, too. My first membership was for 12 months on June 16,2012. I built up and became fairly rare during 2012 and worked from there to become who I am now.  I really enjoy blogging, and come from Poland. My username is CleverQueen and I am a non-member; although AJHQ is quite fine as it is (could be better) and I understand memberships are marketing strategies, I want to help non-members have fun.
Here is my signature pastel green bunny;-
One of my favourite things to do on Animal Jam is trolling. I am against rare obsession and all this drama that goes on in Aldan, and I wish I could just stop the hackers.
I have good memories from my time on Animal Jam.
In real life, I love food- yum yum.
I love Pandas- they are just the best.  I dislike people that only want attention, and here are 20 more things that annoy me. Not in any specific order!
  1. People smoking in public.
  2. AWFUL grammar- sometimes I'm fine with it but sometimes it just gets far too irritating. E.g boyz if u like me my den.
  3. 10 year olds with boyfriends. SERIOUSLY? We are doomed. When I was 10, which wasn't even that long ago, I had no boyfriend. T^T WHY, WORLD?
  4. Justin Bieber's voice.
  5. People who use the pillow room as an adoption centre.
  6. VisualEffects.
  7. What usually goes on in Aldan.
  8. Way too much of the :3 face.
  9. Baby TV
  10. Is it just me? I find Jammers making up unofficial names for some items quite annoying ,it influences the population- especially famous people. Some names are OK, but I find others annoying e.g glitched nerd glasses.
  11. Anyone trying to impostor me -.-
  12. People in Aldan making those faces too much; :T :I :L :U etc. Not everyone has the same rares as you, OKAY?
  13. Food companies that use far too much salt or MSG. HELLO, I can't eat too much salt or MSG. I can't even eat a BAGEL at McDonald's! :(
  14. Soft blueberries. Those squishy ones. UGH.
  15. Soggy cereal.
  16. Lazy people. REALLY lazy people.
  17. People taking a lot of food and then leaving it half-eaten. WHAT A WASTE O-O Well, I understand in some circumstances, but some, I just DON'T.
  18. The smell of KFC takeaways on my bus.
  20. People that step on me without saying sorry. WHO ARE YA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND?

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