Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Sparkles & 10 ugliest items

There's finally an underwater item, it's about time...
So sparkly :o Apart from that I find it pretty boring because it's member :c
But I can't complain, there has been a lot of stuff for non-members lately (especially during the Jamaalidays, which I have to catch up on- groaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan)
I don't like trading because when I want a certain item people always run away/lie etc. 
It's so annoying! Finding the actual item is more difficult than actually getting them to accept because people are greedy and want to take advantage of you, making you do an overtrade :c I know it's better to just trade for the item without asking for it but everyone just  has spieakes and founderz on trade :c And in all honesty it's boring, everyone has virtually the same trade lists, I'm not impressed by pixel spiky collars on trade. 
So I have to fish out greedy people instead. Ugh. When an honest person comes along I'm so happy and sometimes give them a little extra for that, being greedy won't get you anywhere! Or at least with me, anyway.

Anyway, rants aside (though there is a rant coming to my YouTube channel today or tomorrow!)
Here's my promised list of the 10 ugliest items in AJ, according to me!
ACCORDING TO ME. NOT YOU, ME. Disagree, or agree- I don't mind, as long as you don't comment with a full-blown rant about how much of an idiot I am to consider certain rarez ugly -_-

Not my problem. Not at all.
Animal Jam's 10 Ugliest Items
What were the artists thinking?
All picture courtesy to GOOGLE :3

10- Glitched Ring (Summer 2013, briefly sold)
Eww, this is disgusting- enough said. Come on. Wanna wear an eye on your paw? Okay. Go ahead. Don't come to me if you get nightmares though. Everyone knows the story of the Glitched Ring. For those that don't, it was sold in Summer 2013, when the turquoise ring first came out. At the time,there were only two colours- both are now ''rur''. The first one is less known and very hard to distinguish between its very similar cousin. However, this one... oh eww. I bought it when it was first on sale, tried it on, then thought to myself- ''oh, eww. This is ugly. It looks like an eye. Nope.'' then I recycled it. If you want a nice ring, go buy one from Epic Wonders. The colours are much nicer than this freaky thing.

9- Dragon Glove (Monthly Member Gift June 2011- Golden counterpart given in June 2012 <3)

The <3 next to June 2012 is because I have so many good memories from that time. Sorry TuT I should make a post about the whole concept of MMGs. No, a separate page. Yar :3 I don't know! Anyway. I don't like the look of those gloves. They're so weird and bulky and don't really look good :c They look quite cool on crocodiles and on bunnies (but everything looks good on bunnies). Apart from that, not a fan. Sorry glove :c
8- This wonderful selection of store items

They don't have their own slots because there wouldn't be enough space. Anyway, I don't like those- they look so weird DX I forgot to add the mammoth tusks, but you get the idea- some store items are pretty darn weird and ugly. Especially the shoes (shudders)

7- Eyeball Hat
Eww. I don't like this item- it's scary! The 'beta' one especially because of it's freaky colour scheme- how the 'beta' hat came to be is debated, was it sold for a short amount of time? The most commonly believed theory is that it was given by AJHQ to a few select Jammers during Hallowe'en 2010, maybe it was a prize? Back then AJHQ used to visit Jamaa, and sometimes they hosted games/ contests- perhaps that was a prize? Who knows? Anyway, I don't like eyeball hats, in my opinion the order of ugliness is, from most to least...
1.2012-2014 eyeball hats (eww)
2.2010 eyeball hat/beta eyeball hat
3.2011 eyeball hats!
I admit, it's cute & comical when two people wearing those sit together :3
I honestly don't know why someone would want to trade for a 'beta' eyeball hat, apart from to show off/ trade for more stuff :/ Some people like to wear it, and that's fine ^o^

6-  Tiki Mask/ Mask
Meh,I'm not a fan of tiki masks. In 2014, around the time of the eagle adventure, I managed to get my hands on one (I don't have it right now). They're not very attractive and don't really look good with.. well... most outfits, to be honest. If you can find an outfit that this mask looks good with, congrats c:

5- Clown Mask (Hallowe'en)
Oh, what is that even. This is just scary. Who in their right mind would even wear this... thing? Except for Hallowe'en of course. No, just no. The hair, the eyes, the nose, and the DARN MOUTH. I can't stand to look at this anymore. Goodbye.

4- Yeti Face
A pretty strange item, the Yeti Face looks weird o-o There's a glitched version, which is quite similar to the glitched ring if you look at the backstory. It's just not a pretty item (in my opinion). End of story :3

3- Beard

Small, ugly... but in some outfits, it doesn't look THAT bad, but it doesn't stop it from being an ugly item anyway XD
Once extremely rare (the rarest item in the game used to be the orange beard), the beard isn't worth that much now- not even a spiked wristband in some cases.  What used to be fairly weird was when a female player, wearing a feminine outfit, would wear a beard PURELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SHOWING OFF. It wasn't ALWAYS the case, but when it was- I thought AJ was about expressing YOUR style? Not showing off some pixels? (Rares aren't even THAT difficult to get, as long as you have a few extra hours to spare for going on the computer every day) 

2- Hat & Beard

Cute? Certainly. Pretty? Maybe not so. Great for Christmas, not so beyond. Doesn't look great (in my opinion), but some people manage to find a way to squeeze this item into a good outfit ^o^ 

1- Frankenstein Mask
This... is not beauty. Fab costume, not so fab outfit. As with the Hat & Beard, might be squeezed into an outfit- but otherwise, I don't like this item so much, but it looks cute on bunnies and I like the lightning bolt.

Of course, those are not the only ugly items on Animal Jam. Here are just some items worthy of a mention-

Most other Hallowe'en Masks


Rhino Helmet, though it looks cute on bunnies :3


Anyway,  before I close off- sign up to beta test the plushie store in the making! You will receive a Jamagram like this:

Thank you and bye :3


  1. Yeah I do agree some of those items are ugly (espicallly the yeti mask) but I've always liked eyeball hats (mostly the rare ones espicallly the red and blue one) and for some reason I always liked the tiki masks... Espicallly the pink and black one (I'm still trying to get one :c) and I signed up to be a beta tester for the plushie store! :D

    1. Oh, great! I'll send your Jamagram in a second :) It's not done, but at least you can see what I have so far. Eyeball hats can sometimes look pretty cool, especially on bunnies- but most of the time they don't look very good with outfits.It's okay though- everyone has their own opinion. Tiki Masks aren't that bad, but not amazing either- then again, it's your opinion ^o^

    2. Oh, and ... do you have a second to vote on my poll please? Thanks c:

    3. Sure I'll vote on your poll! And how do I go to your den? It won't let me click the name tag on the jam a gram...

  2. Hi. Pretty long post. You really shouldn't give out the mean eagles's username bc it might ruin their "animal jam reputation".

  3. Ikr it's all just ugly... (Except for the high heels) :3


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