Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Return

Hi everyone!
Yes, you read that right- I'm back.


Isn't that GRE- 


Nobody reads this anymore, I'm pretty sure, because it's been 3 months. In my last post I promised to come back after I 'got myself together', but what I didn't know is that I just didn't give a shnazz about AJ.

But yes, I'm back, for real.
This game is just impossible to leave- even after playing it for 3 years and getting bored, I still visited, even if just for 2 minutes. Buuuuut... I think I should come back to blogging. Since I started this blog when I was in hospital a year ago (wow, I forgot the blog's anniversary. You can slap me now) my aims were to 
a) get back to AJ. I had a history of blogging/YouTubing about AJ and I was pretty famous (people still think I make videos on that account...) but I had to leave that account in 2013. I wanted to resume this because I enjoyed it, but since I don't have free chat I couldn't tell my old fans about my new blog :c
b) strengthen the AJ blogging community. I used to read the AJS daily for some reason, even though the side topics weren't my thing, but stopped when SnowyClaw stopped posting. I don't even know why, it's not like I don't like the authors, maybe I just lost interest in the AJS in general? I know that SnowyClaw has been posting again, but still- so many blogs are shutting down, I want to revive the AJ blogging community. It was a nice community, but the Animal Crossing community will always be the best for me <3

I was pretty upset when I saw how many people deleted me, like O_O
But I can't blame them, they must have thought I quit.
I have this habit of keeping my closest buddies who quit on my buddy list because they mean so much to me. I still have Kinyonga and Lexie1234. I miss you so much T^T

I can't say I'm still interested in AJ- maybe I'm just bored, maybe I can't bear to see the game go, but I doubt I will ever regain the same interest I once had.

So yes, I'm back... I will be posting, I will be more active, hope you're glad to see me back c:

BUT. I'm going to play AJ how it was intended. Rares corrupt people and friendships (wow, isn't that deep for a kids' game?). Remember the post I made a year ago about advertisements? 

Take a look at this one

So... is Jamaa anything like this?
Not really.

Let's talk.

Trading. I'm sure that trading was just intended as;
  • A fun pastime for Jammers to trade their items for something they want. An opportunity for both players to get what they want, but not to obsess over. Certainly not the main focus of the game. It was just meant to be something like... "Oh, my outfit is missing something... a pink fox hat would look great with it! I have a spare Rare Medusa Mask, maybe someone wants it?" then the person goes and announces their offer somewhere. Person 2 is like "Hmm...I wanted a Medusa Mask for my Hallowe'en costume, and I have a pink fox hat!" They both thank each other and- well, if trading was this easy, AJ would be a happier place, I think. No more "omg i got scammed send me ur rurz". Collecting rares is meant to be a fun feature, not 99% of the game! It took me AGES to get coloured items because everyone's trade list is the same- spiked collars,wristbands, whatever.

So yes, just play the game, enjoy yourself, have fun with rares but don't obsess over them! c:

Have a great day everyone!Bye!

Oh wait, before I go.

In my journal I wrote about AJ. I can share that with you.

10 Reasons Animal Jam Sucks
Mainly JOKES. Not intended as offence, because I'm coming back to playing this game. DO NOT quit because of this! Laugh about it! c:

10 is not enough,but whatever 

1) New? Don't expect to have a nice time- expect to be ignored & maybe even bullied. Nobody will even spare you a coloured item.
2) Stress! Maaaan, I really want a headdress. Let's spend 6 months asking for one even though nobody cares and is more interested in there spieak colurs
3) Drama, oh no! xxDarkSoulxx scammed meh! No,Dark hacked XxPieWaffleo3oXx! Waaaaa Kosho won't be my buddy! ;-; Oh, you lost a pixel. BIG.DEAL. You gonna put that on yo CV gurl? Didn't think so.
4) The STAFF have NO brains!!!!! 
HEY, Jammers! :) :) :) :)
Did you KNOW that we HAVE no brains???!!! :D :D :D
That's RIGHT, Jammers!!! :) :) :)
We EVEN lie to you in OUR E-mails! :D :D :D
we're shutting down soon

5) Non-member? You can access 15% of the game. Okay, AJ is quite far in comparison with, say, Club Penguin. But still- you can't chat freely, change the colours of items, send and receive gifts?! It's a business, but some restrictions are ridiculous. Like, how are you going to get members if you non-members can't enjoy the game?
6) The chat system. Just.For some weird reason, one day they took away our ability to say things like O_O -_- ^-^ ^^
and so forth. That's just dumb, and restricts our ability to express ourselves.
TBC, I'm tired ^-^

Bye bye! :c


  1. I just found this blog today and I really like the title! Rainbows are so beautiful!

    1. I totally agree, rainbows are amazing >v< welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! <3

  2. Hey there, Nika! Glad you're back.
    I have Blogspot now, and I'm a bit late since that this post is on June...


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