Sunday,22 February 2015. Welcome to the Animal Jam Rainbow! ''Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy'' -Unknown

Friday 18 July 2014

Boa Scammers

Hey Jammers!
I apologise for the late post, but this Summer is becoming increasingly busy for me- I have some school-work to get sorted, back to school shopping to get done, preparing for vacation, drawing...all sorts of things! I hope to get back on track soon.
A thunderstorm is on the way, there was also one yesterday at night and it woke me up :(
Thunderstorms are rather scary!
Anyway, moving on from my rambling and straight on to Jamaa news.
Today's new item can be found in Jam-mart clothing, and it's a sparkly boa!
Hmm... what can I say? It certainly does seem like a good member item, and will go quite well with the other ridiculous sparkly items that have been popping up in shops o-o
Sparkly head bow+sparkly boa+ice armour+sparkly shoes+ice tail= OVERWHELMING SPARKLES
This actually looks a bit sharp O-o
Like little...blades... :S
Anyway, there is also a new video in Jamaa!
Check it out! ^-^ Carnivorous plants... scary, if you ask me... I mean, if they were genetically modified to be bigger then... I'm quite sure.... they might be able to eat... humans! Thankfully, they don't exist. Yet.
Moving on, don't forget that the plushie stores are always being updated! Once a plushie is gone, I immediately put a plushie in its place so the store is always stocked up. This means 100 different plushies to choose from in a single store!
Now, here are the characters I managed to draw. Yay ^-^
First off, I have the Leader of the Angels, Lily...
I also have a devil themed around the colour red, called Flame.
For a side-topic, I caught a scammer today! I took a lot of pictures, so here they are with my descriptions of what happened.
Alright, so someone named Illpup was advertising a give-away for a founders' hat and more at their den. I already was suspicious, and walked around the den saying that it was bound to be a troll. After a lot of waiting, the person arrived...

They changed their previous trade list (which consisted of the founders' hats and several other rather decent rares) into a list full of necklaces. Uh-oh...

Then we were told to 'trust-trade' them, which is basically trading something very good for a cheap item and 'trusting' the person to decline. It is very popular and shouldn't be done, but if you ever do, understand it's VERY risky and even someone you knew since 2010 could turn against you.

A person named 'MoonMoonTheSecond' won quite frequently, which got me suspicious. I then suspected that Moon was the main account and Ill was a storage, so I checked their achievements. Only 9...

After lots of trading, somebody claimed their headdress got accepted! This could be true or not...

The person who claimed their headdress got scammed;

After that, we all got locked out, so it's really likely that Happy did get scammed.
As a safety measure, stay clear of Illpup and also, take caution around Moon. Moon might not be the same person, but they could be.
Remember Jammers to stay safe to avoid scamming!
Here are a few random tips you could use to stay safe from...
  • Don't make Aldan your main server to visit, as it is FULL of scammers. Only visit at your own risk, and to trade. Be careful!
  • Be careful at giveaways- if it is required to give or trade an item, leave the den! It is VERY likely to be a scam so go out and find another giveaway to visit.
  • Only trade something if you are happy with what you will get in return- are you sure you want to trade the item? Is it a fair trade to you? Do you like what you will get in return?
  • Never give in to a scammer! You have a right to keep your items and nobody should make you feel bad about doing so!
  • Not trading back does NOT make you a scammer, so if you don't want to trade back, explain it calmly. If the person is mean to you, block and report them. Don't make the fight any bigger! However, I am talking about not trading back if you more or less did a trade you were both happ
  • Don't flash trade- you might think they have no chance of accepting but the sad truth is that sometimes, it gets stuck and some people are exceptionally fast. What do you gain out of flash trading, anyway? My first ever worn blanket (pink) got scammed in early November 2012 (thanks to caseytiger19) by flash trading, PLEASE DON'T GO DOWN THE SAME ROAD!
  • Do the whole trade at once if you can- if someone seems do offer something rather suspicious e.g trade me your headdress for my old hood then I'll give you my founders' hat, do NOT do it! If you are doing a trade where you will be receiving more than 4 items, make sure you can trust the person.
  • Understand the risks-if you are going to flash,trust or gift, understand the risks. Someone you know at school that you are very close with that played AJ with you since 2010 could take a turn and decide friendship is less important than pixels any day. So, make sure you can either trust them 100% or accept the risk!
  • Change your password regularly- you can decide how often.It can be as frequent as once a week to once every six months... you decide! 
  • Make sure your password is easy for you to remember, but not very predictable,simple or easy for anyone else to figure out. Try to include lower and upper case, symbols and numbers.
  • Don's share any information that could make your password easy to guess! 
  • As tempting as it may be, NEVER give out your password unless you are VERY close, for  example a parent or even a sibling in some cases. You never know! No matter how much you think you can trust them or what they promise, you never know...
  • If you think you might get hacked soon, i.e accidentally giving out your password, getting the attention of a possible hacker, reset your password and lock your account through the parent dashboard. Once you're on there, disable gifting and trading, too. When you are back online,keep locking your account and/or disabling gifting/trading until you feel safe again.
  • Be careful in Aldan! It's a popular spot for people like x to hang out in...
Before I finish, I caught another scammer >.>

Bye bye!


  1. Hi! Great post! Ooh! Lily looks so pretty! I did orange (Topaz and Orange Blossom) and black (Nyx and Shade). I'm so fortunate I didn't draw for yellow!

    I think I'm going to recommend you to

    You're a great tip-giver! Especially with the scamming!

    1. Thank you so much! It's great you did them, you just need to find a way to ensure I can see them that isn't via email once you're done ^-^
      Note your drawings will go on my art page, and I might re-draw the characters myself using some features of your drawing. It depends, really XD
      Thanks so much! :D

  2. Are there any male angel/devil?

    1. Hi there,
      I think there will be, I'm not drawing them now though because I find males more boring to draw and I don't draw males very often :P

  3. Hey, CIeverqueen! May I make the devil leader? Hahaha... I just like to draw bat wings, although they are slightly different from yours. If no, it's okay. After all, it's your story. Oh, I'll take blue please!

    P.S. I hope this makes it more comfortable! I used your drawing style to draw the angels and devils so it's easy for you to draw!


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